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What's Virtual Art Exhibition?

Virtual Art Gallery is a virtual space to give global visibility to artists of all backgrounds and nationalities.

A virtual Art Gallery where exhibit no time limit all of their most representative works. A web portal dedicated to all the artists, where performing like in a real Art Gallery with personal and collective exhibitions.


 A virtual art gallery is more than just a website featuring images of artists’ work. Artists should understand that it’s a fully interactive experience which, as you’d expect, can take many different forms.

How is Art4you Gallery organised Virtual Art Exhibition?

Our Objective:


The coronavirus pandemic has closed all art and cultural institutions into uncertainty and a long-term effect on the art scenes. “Keeping art alive requires the twofold approach supporting and promoting access to art for all”, says the co- founder of Art4you gallery, Rengi Cherian. As these challenges require far-reaching voices of the global artists, we have decided to do the virtual art exhibition. Art nurtures creativity, innovation and cultural diversity for all, artists plays an important role in sharing their works with their voice – DEFEAT COVID.“Even during Covid 19, ART brings us close together than ever”, says Jesno Jackson the Art Curator and Founder of the Art4you Gallery. With billions of people in lockdown or on the frontlines battling the COVID19 pandemic, we Art4you has planned to launch UAE’s first celebration of Art Exhibition virtually, where it’s time to remind that ‘ART has the power to unite and connect in the time of this crisis’.


We Art4you Gallery has come up with this new advanced technology with several good reasons, to combine with radical changes in consumer trends and art collections to be specially curated, with a point the way towards an exciting digital future for creative artists. 


Motto of this exhibition:


“Bringing Artists Together

Inspiring, Soothing and Sharing

The Powers of ART.”




The Virtual Exhibition was designed such a way that the viewers move from one room to the other with PART 1 and PART 2 gallery online with a new experience.


Attached 2 images of each room!

































We have designed the tour with 60 finalist’s in this virtual art exhibition , once the exhibition is opened, the jury will select the 25 finalists and the prize winners from each category and will be announced in this web page soon.


Art4you Gallery Virtual Art Show was curated by Jesno Jackson. 






Another fascinating development is the emergence of online art dealers who specialize in work that is only available to own in digital format. Using an anonymous system of peer evaluation and selection, it uses a range of complex algorithms to devise a perfectly-themed cohesive show, with valuable input from real-life human artists. With the whole concept of artists , who are qualified art curators , will really get benefited through the gallery to reach globally .






We tend to feel that virtual art galleries will serve as forerunners of future 3D social interfaces. What does that mean – well – n a world that grows more virtual every day, it is absurd that the virtual, the space that exists inside the computer screen, is almost wholly focused on copying our physical reality. As WebGL and HMDs (Head Mounted Displays) break the technical boundaries, it is the artist that must break the conceptual ones. New art, new forms of virtual installations and exhibits need to emerge – and for the interface, the ability to search, explore, and be social within this new art. Decades of work exist, yet most of it long forgotten. The users rarely appreciated the work done in VRML. Today’s users of Unity 3D typically know little of either. So then the path to the future lies in a remembrance of the past and that past serving as a foundation and guide of lessons learned.


To make it clear, in this pandemic situation, where we are at home and no options to have physical gallery display makes you think on how to support artists virtually.




Art4you Gallery Founder

Jesno Jackson



How this can be benefited by Virtual Art Exhibition?

What's the take on virtual galleries?

© 2019 by art4you gallery 

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